Terms of Use

The following terms and conditions are follows for using our services:

We, CutAPrice.com are source of third party content provider like deals, discount, coupons, promotion, free offers and different type of discount deals at all. CutAPrice is only provide you the links to connect the actual seller. We have different services provider “third parties” stores with different types of terms and condition, if you will buy any products from those stores, you will confirm that the all said terms & conditions available at third parties stores are acceptable to you. If you have any dispute or complain, you may contact directly to store for any type of query. We cannot accept any type of liability from third party stores. You can use our services only if terms of use are acceptable to you.


You can read our privacy policy at bottom of the page.


CutAPrice is trademark of www.cutaprice.com or “Online Price Saving Solution”. The using of trademark required written confirmation from authority, administrator, and owner.


CutAPrice is final authorized to amend in policies, terms and conditions in any case. CutAPrice can amend any part or its services in any time and cannot be challenged in any court or law authority. You can use our services only if terms of use are acceptable to you.